The average house price on ILKLEY VILLAS is £83,449
The most expensive house in the street is 1 ILKLEY VILLAS with an estimated value of £119,461
The cheapest house in the street is 5 ILKLEY VILLAS with an estimated value of £66,239
The house which was most recently sold was 5 ILKLEY VILLAS, this sold on 12 Apr 2023 for £65,000
The postcode for ILKLEY VILLAS is HU9 2SF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £119,461 £70,000 22 Jul 2010
2 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £85,230 £45,000 21 Jan 2005
3 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £85,307 £43,950 24 Aug 2004
4 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £76,744 £63,000 17 Jul 2020
5 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £66,239 £65,000 12 Apr 2023
6 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £81,442 £43,000 14 Jan 2005
8 ILKLEY VILLAS Terraced £69,726 £66,000 4 Feb 2022